Добрый день уважаемые слушатели. Представляем новый выпуск подкаста RWpod. В этом выпуске:
Rails 5.0.0.beta2: Slashed Action Cable dependencies, fixes galore, Scientist: Measure Twice, Cut Over Once и Caching result sets and collection in Rails 5
Ruby: Bindings Across Inheritance, Abbrev from ruby standard lib и I am a puts debuggerer
Recurring events in Ruby — introducing the Montrose gem, ValueInspect — provides implementation of #inspect that is more readable и Datetime-scopes — date/time scopes for ActiveRecord models
Angular 1.5.0 — ennoblement-facilitation has been released!, Introducing ES2015 Proxies и Investigating the overhead cost of compiled es2015
Record audio and video with MediaRecorder и Web Audio, the ugly click and the human ear
Test your CSS Performance, jQuery.sheet — Easy & Wicked Fast spreadsheets for the web, Isolated Core — a library for seamless in-page cold updates using iframes и GrapesJS — Free and Open source Web Template Editor